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 Website making tutorial - full guide

Hello friends, welcome to my website. In this post, I will show you, how you can make an HTML website and host it on the web. You will also know how to get a sub-domain. In this article, you will not build a website using drag and drop, you will have to do that with HTML. So let's get started>>>


What is the website name (Where will we host our HTML site?)

We will host our site in W3schools. First, you have to visit - W3 Spaces. Then you have to click on Get started for free. Now a new page will appear. There, you have to Sign in with your Google account. On the Sign-up page, you just have to type the email you want. In the password field, you have to type a strong password with the conditions given below. In the passwords field, you will create a new password only for this website, not for your google account.

Then they will ask you to give your name (first one and last one). After that, you will see a puzzle. You have to solve the puzzle if it is correct then a new page will appear. Now, on the new page, they will tell you that they have sent a mail-in to your Google account that you have entered. Open Gmail, then click on the mail they have sent to you. Now, click on Verify email. Then again jump to the page, and click on I have clicked the link. Now the full account process is completed. W3schools knows your account. You have now signed in to W3spaces. Now you will set up your website.

How to set up our website?

After you have completed the accounting process. The next step is to set up your website.

After the accounting process is completed, you will see a page asking that do you want to use a w3schools template or a blank template. I will help you decide. If you have designed the homepage of your website with Html then click on Blank Template and then click on continue and if you want to only write articles, then you can select a template.

For people who select a blank template -

Click on the blank template option, then click on continue.

 Now, they will ask you to enter the name of your website. After you have typed your website's name, click on continue.

A new webpage will appear. There you have to click on the name above the website URL. 

Then, you will see some files. Click on the index.html file. This will open an HTML code editor. You will see a basic HTML structure code. That's because you selected a blank template. Now, START DESIGNING YOUR WEBSITE'S HOMEPAGE !!!

For people who select a ready-made template -

Click on the Start with a template button. Then, click on continue.

Now you have to select a template from the template list. Then, you have to click on the continue button, again.

A new webpage will appear. There you have to click on the name above the website URL.

Click on the index.html file. Then, START EDITING !!!

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