How to Animate in Krita?? 2d animation for Beginners || Animation full course

 How to Animate in Krita??


Krita - An awfully noncomplicated software for animation. It is used for 2d animation, Perfect for beginners. If you are a beginner then you should try this Software to animate in 2d. So let's start the article -

Downloading the Software -

The first step to learning 2d animation is to download the Software Krita. Go to this link -
Download Krita 
After downloading, run the setup of this app.

Setting up the interface -

The second step is to set up the software interference to animate -

You have to click on the New File button.
Then you screen will look like this - 
Krita interface 2

Actually, a new dialog box appeared on your screen. Pls check the highlighted areas, and set them as shown. Then you have to click on create.

In this interface you can only see some drawing tools, so where to animate??
To animate follow these steps-
       Step 1- Click on the settings option present in the menu bar.
Krita 5
          Step 2- A dropdown will appear. In the dropdown, you have to hover over dockers and then click on Timeline, Onion Skins, Animation like this -

How this software works? And how to Animate on it ?

            As I have written in step 2, you have to insert the timeline, onion skin, and animation. Now firstly you have to create a new frame. 

Now how to create a new frame in Krita? 

In the animation tab you can see a few icons present at the bottom of the tab. You have to click on the first icon from the left, as you hover on it you can see that it is written -create a new frame. When you click on that, a new frame is created. On the left side of the timeline you can see a light bulb 💡 type icon, which you have to turn on by clicking on it. This icon is called the onion skin icon. Now in the onion skin tab you can see a few numbers, you have to click on the -1 number and make it blue [if it is blue then it is turned ON]. This will help you see the previous frame drawing. The blocks that you can see in the timeline are called frames.I refer the frames as blocks to make you understand it better. You have to click on a block and draw on it. Now you can use the right and left arrows to jump between them. First click on the first block and draw on the blank area. Now jump on the next block( the 2nd one)  by pressing the right arrow key on your keyboard. Then you have to press the delete key or you can say "del" key 🔑. You will see you previous drawing turning in red color. Now draw something on the second frame. As you have drawn on 2 frames in the animation tab, set the frame number to "2" and then click on the play button 👆. You will see your animation playing as a video in the white page. Now you have drawn your first animation step by step by reading my article. 🎊 Congratulations to you!!! 

How to save this animation as a .mp4 file?

Wait! I have created an animation, but how to share it on social media of with my friends. First I have to convert it as a .mp4 file but how? Heres the answer -
This software or you can say "Krita"  needs another application( very important, special or necessary ) called Ffmpeg to export your animation as a video or mp4 file. What you have to do is - follow these steps -
Step 1 - Download Ffmpeg
               To download Ffmpeg visit this webpage - Download Ffmpeg - and follow below steps-
Step 2 - How to download for -
             Windows - In the webpage you can see a Windows icon present between the icon of                                       Linux OS and Macintosh OS. You have to click on that. You will see two                                           links. From those two links you have to click on the BtbN link or you can                                      visit the link from here onwards - GitHub Download Link
            Linux - For Linux OS, you have to click on the Linux icon. Then you will see a few links                            appear. For Linux there are a few download links. You have to click on the link                              which contains your OS name.
           Macintosh or Mac - Click on the Mac icon and you will see only 1 link present there. So,                                               what are you waiting for, click on that link and you will visit a site.                                               Download it from there.
Step 3 - Export your animation as a Video
               On Krita, click on the file button present at the Top left corner of your screen, now                     click on Render Animation. A window will open. There you have to click on the circle                   beside video ( as you want to export it as a video ). In the FFMpeg text box you have                  to select the location where you have downloaded it. In the Render as dropdown                          select the type of video you want to export as. In the Video Location text box select                  the video name and location. Then click on OK!!!

Congrats to You !! You have now learned how to animate in 2d !!


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